CyberDog Redevelopment

CyberDog is a quadruped bionic robot developed by Xiaomi. Based on Cyberdog, we're commited to exploring the deployment of artificial intelligence models on entities. More precisely, to realize the perception and response of CyberDog to real environment. At present, project "Emotional Perception of Multimodal Scenarios" and "Audio-Visual Navigation of Quadruped Bionic Robot" are in progress.

Emotional Perception of Multimodal Scenarios

We applied WenLan 3.0 pre-trained model to realize emotional response of the Cyberdog. Rely on the powerful mobility, the CyberDog is able to perform lots of human-designed actions. The project enables the robot dog to generate emotions like happiness, excitement, sadness, awe and disgust.

The project was shown at 2022 BAAI Conference.

Audio-Visual Navigation of Quadruped Bionic Robot

With multimodal(audio and vision) input, CyberDog is required to localize the sound source and plan a reasonable path to it. Under the condition that the sound source gives continuous sound information, the robot dog takes audio-visual input and chooses an action by reinforcement learning.

At present, the project is in the approval stage: School-Level Project of Renmin University of China.